Monday, March 22, 2010

Nine is Divine

Yes I do realize I've posted way too many pics...on every post :) But this is my way of scrapbooking! So deal with it :) if you read it!!! Here's a cute card from Cassidy's friend, Sidney!Cassidy loved this green hat at the store and wanted it, so we bought it.

Cassidy, Hannah, Izzy, and Sidney (left to right)
Cass enrolled in soccer this spring, so she's all about soccer balls right now :)
This is Izzy, Cassidy's cousin. We love having her at our house!!! She is so sweet and has the cutest personality.
This hammock scares me!!! They have so much fun in our cluttery unfinished basement...
They are little monkeys!

Remember those sugar straws? Yep...they were hyper all night :)
Remember the "cry baby" sour gum? Yep...they loved those!
Cassidy planned the whole party...they had races...
Hula Hoop contests...This is Sidney (below) and she's one of Cassidy's favorite friends in her class at school! She lives right by us and she is just about Cassidy's size and they have all of the same fun!
Soccer ball contests...
Yep...and Jumproping!!! (My Favorite)

This is Cassidy with Hannah (below). They've been friends Forever!!! Thanks for being such a great friend Hannah!!!

Cass and I had fun decorating for her party. This is the one thing that Cassidy talks about all year long, her next Birthday party :) She really wanted to keep this one simple. Only 3 friends were invited...she said, they will get along better with just a little girl :)

Treasure Hunt!!! I completely wore them out...It was such a beautiful day to have them running around the neighborhood! Here they are...trying to figure out my clue :)
This is the "silly face" picture...Izzy (my niece on the right) told me that her mom won't let her make this face at home! ha ha!!! So, when she comes to my house, she gets it out of her system!! Love it!!

Cassidy loves her friends! Welcome to the nine year old years Cass, We love you!!!


Danielle said...

All of those pictures are so full of happiness!! I love them. We'll celebrate your bday this weekend Cassidy, I love you so much!

The Strosser Family said...

These pictures are so freakin' cute! Holy cow, I love them! They are free and happy, oh, what I would do to be 9 again!!! Cute little mommy you are Tam!

sinika said...

She's such a little tam! I love it! I can't believe she's nine!! I remember when we were nine playing horse in your backyard and riding our banana seat bikes all day... ;)

Anonymous said...

Fun party! we get to party again this weekend at grandma's and grandpa's house at the prop! Happy bday Cass, love you! grandma

Vicky said...

I love it that she likes to plan it, double the fun...I LOVE the pictures, you can almost hear the fun! We LOVE you Cassidy girl, you are not only beautiful and smart, but sweet and so loving.