Survey Time
I normally never ever EVER do surveys, but Danielle probably knows that I read her blog and so then I know she was talking to me when she said that I better do it, so here we go!
Four random things I like about my husband:
1- I love that he appreciates nature and the outdoors. He's the kind of guy who will stop on the side of the road to enjoy the sunset and he does.
2- He is very patient. He's the great dad to Cass and he is so patient with her (when I'm not). He would probably say that he doesn't have patience, but he really does. When we go hiking...he is this hiking robot and he can go so fast, but he is so patient with me because he has to slow down for me!
3-He's a protector. He always makes sure that others are safe and he would do anything to make you feel safe. He would do anything if it meant to protect his loved ones.
4-He's determined. When he has an idea of what he wants or has a plan, it will happen. Plus, he's way cute.
Four Jobs I've had:
1-Sold Pest Control in Arizona
2- Victoria's Secret
4-Realtor-Liberty Homes
Four movies I have watched more than once:
1- Dumb and Dumber
2-Mama Mia
3-Our Wedding Video
4-The Pianist
Four tv shows I watch:
1- American Idol
2- So You Think You Can Dance (with Katie)
4-Still Standing
I swear I never watch t.v. EVER, but when I do...this is what I watch...if I ever watch it.
Four places I have been:
3-Caribbean like 20 times on cruises
4-In your mind
Four of my favorite foods:
1- Thai
2- Nani's food...empanadas, peude...mmmmm
3- caprese salad...or anything with a combo of fresh mozarella, tomato and basil
4- Berries...any kind...blueberry, rasberry, mouth is watering now.
Four places I would like to visit:
1- Greece
3- Sweden
4- Italy
Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1- Cruise with Dave and Cass in January
2- Being with family
3- Christmas at the cabin with the fam
4- San Francisco in just a few weeks with Dave, Dani and Bwandon! It'll be a blast!
I am tagging you. Yes you, reading this right now. Especially if you read my blog and never leave a comment. Yes people, a comment is nice every once in a while. It makes me feel loved. It gives me warm fuzzies inside. Thank you.
Whitetail goals
2 months ago
Nice. How did you know you've been in my head. I thought only Michael and the world wide web made it in there. Gotta recheck those locks.
Hello!!! this is Cami Jepson. (aka cami crowther?) remember me? Maybe this will help....
You, Danielle, and your old boyfriend (I wanna say...Scott?) made me believe I was going blind by pointing your stupid rasor pen around the car, on the way to musical wave! Remember now? Just Kidding. Danielle found me a week or so ago,and we were talking about that! Anyway, I thought I'd stock some of the blogs on Danielle's blog, and I found you. You look just the same! Your little girl is adorable too. I like to read about how your family is doing, since I haven't seen you guys in FOREVER! Anyway, you can check out my blog if you are ever bored!
It was so fun to catch up with ya!!! Talk to ya later.
What? No..Cami! I would never do such a thing. I totally remember playing that trick on was so much fun! I feel bad because it scared you so bad. Thanks for the message and I will definitely check out your blog...oh...the picture on your blog is and your little princess...
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