Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What would I do without her?

I was so lucky to have a little sister growing up! Do you know how you have someone in your life that you can count on or talk to about anything? Well, that's my sister, Danielle. I've always had a special place in my heart for her, even when we were young I felt like I needed to protect her!(Keep in mind that I'm 6 years older!) We can honestly say to this day, that we have NEVER had a fight. We really do get along so well, it's the best. Danielle is the most down to earth, beautiful, smart, intelligent, talented, independent woman I know. I love you Danielle and I hope you had a great birthday yesterday! I've posted a bunch of pictures in no particular order... Dani and B man-Showing off their guys should be models. :)

Me, Anthony, and Dani in Chile (My mom took us back to meet all of our family in South America!)

Look at her little marshmallow roasting cute!

She's like a little doll!

Best Sisters Forever!

We are so lucky to have Bwandon in our family!

She has always been an animal lover, I couldn't find any pictures of her asleep on the kitchen floor with the dogs, but I wouldn't be surprised to find her sleeping on the floor with Chica...

Danielle can sing! She gets so annoyed when people tell her that she should try out for American Idol. She really would win ;) This is one of the pics taken when she was in singing competitions.
We went on a cruise with the family a few years ago and had a blast!

Nani and Tata were always so proud to hear Daniela sing in spanish...she's so talented!

Danielle won the Cutest Baby award when she was a little tiny girl...isn't she so adorable?

Teenage Boppers...look how little they are! Dani and B have been together since high school!

Singing The American Anthem...

Danielle also likes to dress up in camo and prance around in the mountains...

...Como se dice...perro??

This picture is old and fuzzy but look how cute! This is when she won her baby and nani were so proud :)

The kiddos...Dani, Anthony, me, and Mikey

I love her little expression in this picture...

She is so tiny!

There are 2 things I remember the day she came home from the hospital: We got a brand new trampoline and I found a bag of licorice that was hidden in our cabinets in our kitchen, and I ate the whole bag by myself :)

Danielle and Mom

She looks really scared, but she really did love me :)

Thanks for being a part of my life Danielle! I love that we hang out all the time. I love you!!!


Danielle said... lovely sister, I love you! You make me laugh, I do NOT prance around in my camo in the mountains. Anymore.

Umm...I don't like American Idol, okay? But I do love Adam. Sigh.

I love you and I cannot imagine a better sister/friend. You always made me feel safe and protected growing up and I always looked up to my big sister and I still do :) Thanks for being you.

brittany said...

So cute! I HEART AMERICA TOO Danielle! We have so much in common.

Katie Torriente: said...

That is such a sweet post. I love all the old pics!! But let's be honest, how can you not love American Idol???

Burrell said...

Awww. Sisters. So sweet, you two are.
There is nothing wrong with prancing. America is great. American Idol is OK. And you are nice.


Vicky said...

Sweet Post, sisters friends are the best! and so are nieces friends...I love you and like you too Danielita linda!