Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tahoe Summer 08

Bathing Beauty...
The water was ccccoolllddddddd!!!
Dave said that I looked like I was wearing a wig in this picture... what do you think? I was running back to the truck with Cass and he was staring at me funny and I thought he was looking at me like I was cute or something and then when I got in the truck, he says, you look funny, you look like your wearing a wig. I felt sad inside.
Have you ever introduced a new game to someone and then wish you never did? UNO Cass loves UNO...we played it so many times in the truck and by the campfire! Thanks Uncle Criff for playing UNO so many times...

Criff and the famous poker stick...we used this for every thing...thanks for the investment Criff...


Danielle said...

Did you just say famous poker stick? Hehehehe

Burrell said...

That's funny. Oh, and I clicked on the wig picture and I disagree. It's called a hairpiece now. Not a wig. Tell Dave to get with it. (Only kidding. YOu look adorable.)

sinika said...

I think that is such a cute pic. And I don't think your hair looks wiggy- you just look like the cutest lil' mountain family.

Unknown said...

hahahahahhaha........sorry it does look like a wig. Its funny.

Jessica said...

You are hilarious. I love all the funny stuff you say in your blog. You are cracking me up right now. Yes, Tahoe is awesome. We live two hours away from it and we go there a few times every summer.